Thursday, October 20, 2016

How To Body Brush

How to body brush and why you should be doing it regularly. 

Body brushing is a centuries old simple health regimen. A dry brush is used to lightly brush the skin, bringing a blush of fresh blood circulation to the surface. This loosens dead skin cells, and the oxygen rich blood and nutrients feed the new skin cells, toning the skin and keeping it healthy. It moves the lymph to the glands located in armpits and groin, reducing edema and clearing metabolic debris from the body. It's like drinking water, or getting enough sleep. Simple, yet effective in boosting your health.

Do this in parts.
three rows for each limb,
  • Start Ankle to knee, brush 3 times upward with light brisk strokes outer part of leg then middle then inner. Move up to the knee and brush up the thigh, do the same. Angle the strokes toward your groin. Brush up the back of the leg in the same pattern.Then do the same to your other leg.
  • Lightly draw a clockwise circle(right to left) 3 times around your abdomen, starting at the upper right side across to upper left, down to the groin sweeping across the lower abdomen then back up to the upper right.                       
  • Brush from wrist to elbow 3 times in 3 rows, brush elbow to armpit 3 times in 3 rows then brush upward from your hip 3 times, across your outer ribs, straight to your armpit, you can brush the underside and top of your breast, sweeping toward closest armpit. If you have had lymph glands removed from any area, always sweep away from that set of glands. Ask someone who does MLD to show you the pattern to sweep away from those areas. 

This is best done in the morning right before your shower. You'll wake up your body and get the juices flowing. You should feel a nice tingly buzz on the skin after you're done. 

Don't scrub! This isn't to exfoliate, it's to flush fluids from your dermal layers to cleansing organs and ultimately out of your body. 

Always keep your brush dry, if you keep it in the shower it will get manky within a month.

To clean your brush wash it in Dawn dishwashing liquid, preferably anti bacterial, and then let it dry in the sun. Simple and keeps you simply beautiful.

Thank you for reading my blog.
 I'm Eda of Massage by Eda. 
Remember to Enjoy How You Feel!