Thursday, August 31, 2017

My New Favorite Blends

 I usually like to blend my own oils, but occasionally I stumble across new blends that I just fall in love with. The new brand I'm into is Nature's Truth. I found it in some weird off brand grocery store near my house. I read the side of it, and was like "sounds good" then tossed it in my basket. It turned out to be better than good, and I bought multiple scents from this brand off Amazon.

One body=2-3 tlbs of carrier oil, and 8-12 drops of essential oil.

Thrive was the first blend I got. It reminded me of the Narayan gel I use on you guys all the time. It's a warming sport blend. I always add refined coconut oil as a carrier. It really eases that after workout ache.

Thrive (cleansing):

  • Clove oil- antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, soothes the digestive tract, warming to the skin
  • Lemon oil- improves respiration, circulation, and skin toning.
  • Eucalyptus oil- decongestant and antiseptic, warming for the skin
  • Rosemary oil- aids digestion, pain relief, improves memory
Well, after that blend worked so well I bought another that sounded good-Calming. People loved it! It should be nicknamed KnockOut Drops, because everyone I use it on is snoring 10 minutes into the massage. It is a dreamy blend, deeply sedating.

Calming (relaxing):

  • Orange oil- diuretic, eliminates toxins, relieves anxiety
  • Tangerine oil- rejuvenates skin, sedative, relieves stomach acid problems 
  • Ylang Ylang oil- relieves anxiety and irritability, 
  • Patchouli oil- decongestant, anti-depressant
  • Blue chamomile oil- pain relief, anti-inflammatory, sedative 
The latest blend I ordered was Happiness. I didn't like the overwhelming spearmint scent when I opened the bottle, but this blend is like a fine wine, you have to let it breathe a little. Once it opens up and the cedar wood blends in with the spearmint and lemon, oh child! Love this stuff. Would go great in an atomizer, or in a carrier oil for application after your shower. I usually roll my eyes when someone describes a scent as "uplifting", but I can absolutely say this does have an uplifting effect on your mood. Not super sleepy, just chill.

Happiness (energizing):

  • Cedar wood oil- cleansing, anti-cellulite, anti-anxiety
  • Lemon oil- sedative, diuretic, anti-depressant
  • Spearmint oil- antiseptic, disinfectant, relaxing to digestive tract, calming
  • Grapefruit oil- antioxidant, disinfectant, antidepressant, boosts metabolism
  • Tangerine oil- anti-spasmodic (coughs, muscle cramps, nervous tics), balances acid and bile in the stomach
  • Myrtle oil- astringent, sedative, fights wrinkles
  • Nutmeg oil- lowers blood pressure, relieves menstrual cramps
  • Jasmine absolute oil- anti-depressant, sedative, anti-spasmodic
So, that's the latest news from my table. I hope you have an awesome Labor Day weekend. I'll be open this Sunday and Monday. Book yourself a massage and try the new oils out.

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